Syntax Rules
    • Use soft-tabs with two spaces
    • When grouping selectors, keep individual selectors to a single line
    • Include one space before the opening brace of declaration blocks
    • Place closing braces of declaration blocks on a new line
    • Include one space after : in each property
    • Each declaration should appear on its own line
    • End all declarations with a semi-colon
    • Comma-separated values should include a space after each comma
    • Don't include spaces after commas in RGB or RGBa colors
    • Do not specify units for zero values, e.g., margin: 0; instead of margin: 0px;
    • Lowercase all hex values, e.g., #fff instead of #FFF
    • Use shorthand hex values where available, e.g., #fff instead of #ffffff
    • Quote attribute values in selectors, e.g., input[type="text"]
    • Use a new line for every block, list or table element, and indent every such child element to show heirarchy and improve understanding
    • Avoid Qualifying ID and class names with type selectors
    • ID's are bad for CSS, only use ID's for javascript hooks when necessary
  • Declaration Organization
    1. Box (Display, Float, Position, Left, Top, Width, Height, Margin, Padding, etc.)
    2. Border
    3. Background
    4. Text
    5. Other
  • Hexidecimal Notation
  • For color values that permit, 3 character hexadecimal is preferred

  • !important
    Just don't do it.

    Use greater specificity to workaround using !important; -- you will be judged in the afterlife

  • Use the SMACSS Approach

    SMACSS stands for Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS and it has 2 core goals.

    Much like OCCSS, the purpose of this categorization is less code repetition, a more consistent experience, and easier maintenance. Under SMACSS there are 5 general categories of css rules.

    • Base — These are your defaults (html, body, h1, ul, etc)
    • Layout — These divide the page into major sections
    • Module — These are the reusable modular components of a design
    • State — These describe how things look when in a particular state (hidden or expanded, active/inactive)
    • Theme — These define things like a color scheme or typographic treatment across a site
    .componentName {
      Base {
      Layout {
      Module {
      State {
      Theme {


Sass (or SCSS) is the preferred method of CSS pre-processing used in any Time Warner Cable project. An extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language. It allows to use variables, nested rules, mixins, inline imports, and more.

As a general rule, you will never want to alter a file with a .css extension as this is the output file. Always refactor .scss files.

The recommended way to compile your Sass code is through node-sass (rather than Ruby Sass). This allows eliminating the dependency on Ruby for projects that don't already require it and is the fastest method of compiling Sass.

Learn more about Sass
  • File Organization
    • Mixins and variables go in scss/global/.
    • Styles related to components/modules/views go in sass/components/.
    • Sass and CSS from other projects goes in sass/vendor/.
  • Main Stylesheet

    All files get compiled into the main.scss stylesheet, and should be scoped accordingly.

    The main.scss file serves as a "table of contents" and the @import directives should be listed with vendor dependencies first, then author dependencies and core stylesheets, then components.

    Organize the components imports in a manner that makes sense, in other words, group components with the component they extend or inherit from.

  • Structuring Code

    @extends and @includes are likely to be overwritten by future elements, placing them at the top of the property list calls them out and avoids the beginning of a specificity war.

    • @extends should be grouped together at the top of the selector.
    • @includes should be grouped together after @extends.
    • Regular styles for the current selector should be after @includes.
    • Nested selectors appear last.
    • Nested selectors using & should appear above child (>) nested selectors.
  • Limit nesting to 3 levels and/or 50 lines

    Nesting selectors more than three levels deep and the code is at risk of being to reliant on HTML structure, overly-specific and difficult to understand.

    50 lines is reasonable length for keeping an entire block on a code editor screen without having to scroll.

  • Variablize ALL THE THINGS!
    • Variablize all colors.
    • Numbers (other than 0 or 100%) with strong meaning or frequent use should be variables.
    • Use hyphens (-) in variable names.
    • Name variables based on what they represent, not their values, e.g. $text-size-large instead of $text-size-24.
    • Colors, fonts, and base measurements are all great candidates for variables. If you find yourself writing a number other than 0 or 100% more than once, make it a variable.
    • Most variables should be stored in the _variables.scss partial; however, it's acceptable to define component specific variables in the component files.
    • In this case, the variables should be stored at the top of the file.
  • Commenting Code
  • Try to stick with standard CSS comments, but you can use the Sass style (//) comments for trivial comments or quickly debugging.

    // File headers are commented thusly:
    /* ======================================================================
    Component Name -- Version: - Updated: MM/DD/YYYY
    ====================================================================== */
    * Chunk of long
    * text gets commented
    * like this
    // Hints get styled like this:
    /* Hint */